import os
import time
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
from tqdm import tqdm

from graspologic.match import GraphMatch
from graspologic.plot import heatmap
from graspologic.simulations import er_corr
from import savefig
from src.visualization import set_theme


FNAME = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3]

def stashfig(name, **kws):
    savefig(name, foldername=FNAME, save_on=True, **kws)

data_dir = Path("maggot_models/data/raw/BP_Barabasi_Share/ScRNAData/")

sequencing_loc = data_dir / "Celegans_ScRNA_OnlyLabeledNeurons.csv"
sequencing_df = pd.read_csv(sequencing_loc, skiprows=[1])
sequencing_df = sequencing_df.pivot(
    index="genes", columns="neurons", values="Count"

class_map_loc = data_dir / "Labels2_CElegansScRNA_onlyLabeledNeurons.csv"
class_map_df = pd.read_csv(class_map_loc)

connectome_loc = data_dir / "scRNAClassConnectome.csv"
adj_df = pd.read_csv(connectome_loc, index_col=None, header=None)
adj = adj_df.values

label_loc = data_dir / "Connectome_scRNAClassDescriptors.csv"
label_df = pd.read_csv(label_loc)
labels = label_df["Var2"].map(lambda x: x.strip("'"))

The data


The single cell RNA sequencing data can be thought of as a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{G \times N}$ where $G$ is the number of genes that were measured in the experiment and $N$ is the number of neurons. Each element in $X$ is a positive integer representing the number of times that gene was measured in each neuron.

Note that here we are primarily concerned with neuron classes a.k.a. cell types. The goal is to see if we can match neurons in the scRNAseq data to their corresponding cell type in the connectome. Multiple neurons from each of the $C$ classes are measured in the scRNAseq data - that is, anywhere between ~10 - 6,000 rows of $X$ could correspond to neurons from a single cell type.

print(f"Number of genes measured: {sequencing_df.shape[0]}")
print(f"Number of neurons measured: {sequencing_df.shape[1]}")
Number of genes measured: 20092
Number of neurons measured: 43308

Connectome data

The connectome is concensed to a cell type connectome, that is, an adjacency matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times C}$ representing how probably a connection is between each cell type.

Below I just plot $A$, sorting by cell type

    title=r"Class connectome ($A$)",
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'Class connectome ($A$)'}>

Matching transcriptome correlations to the connectome

The experiment I ran goes as follows:

  1. Uniformly at random, sample 1 neuron from each class to get $X_{sub} \in \mathbb{R}^{G \times 89}$.
  2. Compute the correlation between columns of $X_{sub}$, yielding a $89 \times 89$ correlation matrix $S$.
  3. Run graph matching between $A$ and $S$.
    • Parameters of the graph matching: initialized at the barycenter, best of 50 initializations for each trial, maximum of 30 iterations.
  4. Repeat 1 - 3 100 times.
  5. Compute a "confusion matrix" of sorts between neuron classes. The rows and columns represent the neuron classes, and each element says how often (out of the 100 trials) a neuron in class $i$ was matched to a neuron in class $j$.

    If the matching works well, then the diagonal of that matrix should be heavy.

n_per_class = 1  # how many neurons from each class to sample
n_trials = 100
all_perm_inds = []
currtime = time.time()
for i in tqdm(range(n_trials)):
    neuron_sample = class_map_df.groupby("CellTypeIndex").sample(n=n_per_class)
    subset_sequencing_df = sequencing_df[neuron_sample["OldIndices"]]
    corr_mat = pairwise_distances(subset_sequencing_df.T.values, metric="correlation")
    gm = GraphMatch(n_init=50, init="barycenter")
    perm_inds = gm.fit_predict(corr_mat, adj_df.values)
    # perm_inds = gm.fit_predict(A, B)
print(f"{time.time() - currtime} elapsed")

n_classes = len(adj_df)
conf_mat = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
for perm_inds in all_perm_inds:
    conf_mat[np.arange(n_classes), perm_inds] += 1
conf_mat /= n_trials

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
    conf_mat, ax=ax, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, square=True, cbar_kws=dict(shrink=0.7)
ax.set(ylabel="True class index", xlabel="Matched class index", xticks=[], yticks=[])
100%|██████████| 100/100 [02:21<00:00,  1.41s/it]
141.36008191108704 elapsed
Saved figure to maggot_models/notebooks/outs/195.0-BDP-gene-to-connectome/figs/confusion-mat.png

Addendum: showing what would happen in this figure if GM works well

n_trials = 100
all_perm_inds = []
for i in tqdm(range(n_trials)):
    # sample some highly correlated matrices
    A, B = er_corr(n_classes, 0.7, 0.99)
    gm = GraphMatch(n_init=50, init="barycenter")
    perm_inds = gm.fit_predict(A, B)

conf_mat = np.zeros((n_classes, n_classes))
for perm_inds in all_perm_inds:
    conf_mat[np.arange(n_classes), perm_inds] += 1
conf_mat /= n_trials

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
    conf_mat, ax=ax, cmap="RdBu_r", center=0, square=True, cbar_kws=dict(shrink=0.7)
ax.set(ylabel="True class index", xlabel="Matched class index", xticks=[], yticks=[])
100%|██████████| 100/100 [00:37<00:00,  2.64it/s]
Saved figure to maggot_models/notebooks/outs/195.0-BDP-gene-to-connectome/figs/corr-er-confusion-mat.png